Reducing Plastic Pollution with a Plastic Pledge


Blog Prompt: What do you see when you envision a perfect environment?

When told to envision a perfect environment, I envision an environment in which everyone is able to live peacefully, with beautiful nature flourishing all around, that is less contaminated with things we humans think are needed for our survival. So many things that are hurting our planet have become so common that we are forgetting the drastic damage they are causing. The question is, do we need these things? My answer to that is no.

One of the most hazardous items that is of incredibly frequent use in society is plastic. Plastic is seen genuinely everywhere, for a variety of uses. What if there was an environmentally friendly option to virtually every plastic item causing harm? You may have reusable bags, reusable ziploc bags, or other plastic alternatives. Although these alternatives are here and of easy access, plastic is still being produced and used almost everywhere. Why are plastic water bottles still being sold, despite cardboard or biodegradable bottled water options also being sold? I strongly believe that if plastic free alternatives to everyday items were the only products we had access to, plastic pollution would decrease significantly, and bring much needed hope to the climate crisis we are currently in. I propose having a “Plastic Pledge” in every state within our country, pledging to the firm halt of plastic use in stores, establishments, offices, etc. This pledge will make it virtually illegal to use plastic items, while also making it mandatory to have those alternatives available to all. If action is not taken, there will be no change, and a constant negative curve in the health of our environment. Our environment is all we have, and without it we would not be here. It will soon be gone, and because of that, so will we. Let’s make the “Plastic Pledge” a reality, for the sake of our future. Our hopefully plastic-free future, that is. ;) 

Image Credit: “No to Plastic” Logo from NCJW Michigan 2022