Meet the Founder of EcoHouse Teens

By Mardet Mulugeta: EcoHouse Teens Executive Director

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Hi, my name is Mardet. I am the co-founder of EcoHouse Teens, an organization made of teen activists who want to urge other teens to live more sustainably. As a team of 8, we work together to research topics that are affecting our Earth and give possible tips and tricks to limit any individual’s harm on our planet. Wth such a small team, everyone has to commit time and effort into our organization. We are all very passionate about climate justice and want to incorporate it into our personal lives. As the co-founders, Zeinab and I worked for hours conducting research on the fashion industry, reaching out to various organizations, and promoting EcoHouse Teens. We are very proud of where we are today, and we appreciate everyone in our team. 

Climate change is real, and it affects everyone in this world equally. It doesn’t discriminate based on any political borders, or any socioeconomic classes. For this reason, we must all put in continuous effort to end- or at least limit- climate change. Our team at EcoHouse is just a small part of the growing number of teen activists who are tired of watching our home suffer through man-made problems. We see a bright future for our generation, and all the generations that will come after us, of a world where we treat our world the way it deserves to be treated. We hope you, your friends, your family, and everyone in your life join us in this battle. We just started our food campaign so make sure to check that out on our Instagram! We will cover the impacts of the food industry on our environment, the issues of food security, and the effects of some of the food that you might currently eat on your health. Do not miss out on our campaign as we will give you information that will make you a more informed citizen!

Thank you,

EcoHouse Teens

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