What's Greenfundr?

The Tomorrow Project is so excited to announce that we are going to be partnering with Greenfundr during October! This is an amazing new opportunity for our organization, and we’ve been so excited to share it with the world. But you may be wondering…what is Greenfundr? And why should I care?

 What is Greenfundr?

Greenfundr is a crowdsourced funding website that funds groups working on sustainable projects. Like GoFundMe, creators publish their projects on the site and then donors can read their plans and contribute. Unlike GoFundMe, Greenfundr focuses exclusively on sustainable projects since they noticed many of these projects were getting buried on other crowdfunding sites. Greenfundr also provides fun incentives for donors…more on that later. 


Why is this important for us?

Right now, the Tomorrow Project is expanding rapidly. We recently became an international organization, with the Bangalore, India chapter as our most recent addition and we hope to raise $2000 this month to help support these new projects. We also launched our Social Justice and Equity team and our Science and Research Teams. All these projects need funding to achieve their goals and that’s why we’ve partnered with Greenfundr.


But…what’s in it for me?

Beyond the joy of knowing that your money is going towards educating students about how they can be more sustainable, we’ve also got some fun incentives. For $10, we will plant a tree through OneTreePlanted in your name. If you give $20, we will offset a 1000 pounds of carbon through Terrapass. For $30 we will develop a customized workshop of your choosing. $50? A Tomorrow Project volunteer will do a 30-minute trash cleanup in your neighborhood. And last, but not least, for $100 we will do a specialized training just for you.


 If you’re interested in giving, or want to learn more, you can check out our page on the Greenfundr website: https://www.greenfundr.com/campaign/7/the-tomorrow-project

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